Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The End of an Era

Now that finals week is in full swing, the end of my college career is quickly approaching. Two down, two to go, and a thesis presentation (a low-key affair at a Parisian coffee shop...I think that's a pretty decent way to end my undergraduate studies). 

I was on the phone with my father the other day having a pretty confusing conversation. You see, I was under the impression he didn't think grad school was a good idea at the moment, he was floored that I hadn't applied. Turns out he just thought grad school in London was a bad idea. These parents...they'll do anything to get me back Stateside. Including the magical words, "We'll figure out how to finance that." 

Truth be told I was a bit unnerved that my educational career was going to end so abruptly. Time off from school? Where am I? WHO am I? So I've decided to study for and take the GMAT this summer and apply to get my MBA. Probably at Creighton University. It'll be interesting to be back in my hometown for a bit. Whether or not I will survive there after four years in Paris is a completely different story. But here are some things I love about my little hamlet*:
  • Growing up in the suburbs allowed me to do a lot of things I would've been unable to in a big city. Sled, play in my yard, get a big dog to play in the yard with me, ride my bike around without fearing for my life, camp in my best friend's backyard...
  • I run into someone I know nearly everywhere I go. Good friend or acquaintance, it's always good to catch up. 
  • In the same vein, I'm a regular at certain places. My coffee shop, the bar my friends frequent...it's nice to get your drink without even having to order!
  • Everyone is so ridiculously nice in the Midwest. This is something I took for granted before moving to Paris. I could purposely bump into someone in Omaha and they would politely say "excuse me..." I wouldn't do this, but uh, you know, it's nice to have the option. 
  • My parents live there. So does one of my sisters and my lovely niece. Family is good. Well, most of the time, haha. 
  • If I drive twenty minutes, I'm at my friend's farm. If I drive twenty minutes in the opposite direction, I'm downtown. Gotta love the variety. 
  • Lastly, and a funny one: free refills. More iced tea? Why yes, I'd love some. (Granted, you could get this pretty much anywhere in the States, but I think it counts anyway). 
What are some things that are special about where you grew up? 
*"Hamlet" is a bit misleading. Omaha and surrounding areas are home to over a million people. Still feels like a small town though. And hamlet is just fun to say.

And quickly, on a completely separate note. Joanna over at A Cup of Jo mentioned Love & Victory and they're doing a giveaway! You should comment over there too (comment to win!), but I really hope I win one of these gorgeous custom silhouette necklaces. I'd get one of the aforementioned lovely niece. 

Isabella. Too adorable for words, right? 


noone said...

congrats on the end of your college career! And the necklace is adorable!

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