Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm Alive + Closet Conundrum

Hello fellow bloggers. I am indeed very much alive. I've been keeping up on most of your blogs, but moving back to the States, catching up with everyone, looking for (and finding!) a job, apartment hunting, and various social obligations have sucked basically all the "me" time out of my schedule. The "me" time that I absolutely adore and need. I think I'm getting a hang of things now, so I can get back to a little blogging!

Now. Back to the apartment hunt. And the closet problems that this causes (closet like, literal closet...not the metaphorical one that people hide in or step out of).

A little background: 
  • I have clothes, shoes, and bags fetishes. All hereditary. (Thanks, mom). 
  • Ever since I was about eight and my sister and I moved out of our shared room to separate rooms in the house, I've had my own closet, and it's been good. 
  • Come September...ish, I'll be moving in with le boyfriend. Apparently, this means "sharing" a closet. Say what? 
So you're all caught up. Moving on.

James and I went and looked at three different apartments today (I swear we've seen about twenty since we started the search). Mostly we look at one bedrooms, but there are some two bedroom ones that are in our price range. When discussing one of the aforementioned two bedroom places, I said, "Well this is good, I can have the walk-in [closet] and you can use the one in the spare room." A mini, pseudo-funny, underlying-ly heated convo ensued. Apparently, he's not a morning person, which means that he can't walk the extra ten feet to the spare room in the morning to go get his clothes. I may have overreacted just a tad. We sat in the car in silence for a few minutes while we both (I presume) contemplated why. He doesn't have that much stuff (do any men, besides Europeans?), so it's not like his would cramp mine. But but...a closet is a sacred space! 

I suppose this feeling is also hereditary. My mom uses the ginormous walk-in in the master bedroom. My dad's closet is in the basement. Really. 

Guess I should learn to compromise. Suggestions? 

Also, for you girls (or guys) living with your S.O.s: TV in the bedroom...yea nor nay? (I vote nay...never had one, don't want one).

*Image source unknown -- saved it awhile ago, can't find it anymore! (Isn't it dreeeamy?)


Anonymous said...

Give him a corner of your walk in for some of his clothes...then maybe he can chuck his next morning things in the night before? My mum went 50:50 with my dad on the walk in and she's just progressively taken over...i spose you could do that but you run the risk of more argument

Anonymous said...

Hey Jillian, thanks for visiting me and for your comment, I made my header. If you can't be bothered making your own I'd be happy to make one for you, all I need are size specs and what(images & text)you want on there.

The Old Life said...

oooooo what a search!!! We just moved into a bigger place for only $50 more a month its kinda weird to have such a "huge" place now (granted to most its prob still small) but it does have a lot of closets! Huge one outside on patio, under the stairs, in the master walk in and in the guest room! Woooo becasue we to have a lot of things ha!

O and we have a TV in our room its really little, but we never watch it becasue i dont like watching tv in there is kinda drab we always watch it downstairs on the regualr tv and if needed use the pull out couch bed to make it more cosey but less likely to fall asleep!


kadler said...

Haha, I find it's easier to just let my boyfriend think he's getting his way with the closet (equal space) and steal it when he's not looking (stick my stuff in). He never notices.

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