Monday, August 3, 2009

What's Your Morning Like?

With big changes come new routines. Take my new job, for example. Before I started working this summer, I stayed up late, slept in 'til whenever, and generally lacked any sort of pattern when it came to sleep -- although in math randomness is considered a pattern. Anyway. This new job let the real morning person in me come out. So my day gets started a little something like:

4:15: Alarm (in the form of "Suddenly I See" by KT Tunstall...makes me feel very Devil Wears Prada) goes off, somewhere between now and 4:30 sit up in bed. Take a minute to adjust.
4:30 - 4:50: Do some yoga. I always feel happier when I start my morning like this.
4:50 - 5:05: Breakfast. Usually a whole grain cereal. Sometimes eggs. 
5:05 - 5:20: Shower. 
5:20 - 5:45: Makeup. Yes, it takes me this long. I used to be a makeup artist. I'm all about patience and perfection. 
5:45 - 6:00: Iron clothes or otherwise get them ready and pick out accessories while I let my hair air dry a bit.
6:00 - 6:15: Dry hair/do some sort of hairstyle. I've been working lately on putting a little more effort into my hair, as I usually just leave it down and blah. This really helps complete a look.
6:15 - 6:25: Make my lunch. Usually this consists of some kind of leftovers. Today I just put some lasagna in tupperware. 
6:25 - 6:50: Take care of any last minute things, or just sit and watch some news. 
6:50: Off to work. I have the luxury of a semi-flexible schedule. As long as I do full time hours, I can come in as early as 7:30. For a morning person, this is a God-send. I get there at 7:30, leave at 4:30 or sometimes later, and then get to leave really early on Friday afternoons. I think this Friday I'll be out of there a little before two!

I'm sure for many this kind of schedule sounds horrifying, but I really like it. It's quiet in the morning, I get to take my time and I never feel rushed -- a feeling that I loathe. 

I'm curious, though...what are your morning schedules like? 

Image from


la cuisine bourgeois said...

hi jillian! i love the idea of putting up your schedule-- really cute! and thanks for the comments! so sweet!

Anonymous said...

loving this post, and quite honestly, loving your morning routine! i wish i had that type of discipline and energy in the morning. for me it's more like
6:15- wake up to whatever is playing on the radio
6:15-:45- do homework that i didn't finish the night before or sleep in a bit/read if i really feel awake
6:45-6:50- get dressed in outfit chosen the night before...or any spur of the moment decision
6:50-7- hair/makeup...not as precise as you :-)
7-7:20- breakfast of yogurt and granola and whole wheat toast with raspberry jam and an apple. perfection
7:20-7:30- gather everything i need for school
7:30- out the door

...boy i wish i could get myself to do yoga in the morning :-)

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